See Things from Your Perspective
Today, the world of scanning, imaging and analytical equipment covers a vast array of applications and functions. This includes airport security scanners designed for people and baggage, radiation detectors, medical X-ray and MRI equipment, highly advanced spectrometry and analytical equipment used to analyze biological and chemical compounds.
Scanning, imaging and analytical equipment OEMs count on CeramTec North America to manufacture highly customized advanced ceramics components flawlessly, on time and on budget. When needed, CeramTec can act as an extension of your design team, helping you find design options that create savings or improve ease of manufacturing.
CeramTec North America responds to the needs of scanning, imaging and analytical equipment OEMs by offering an array of power feedthroughs, instrumentation feedthroughs, thermocouple feedthroughs, and precision ceramic and metalized ceramic products that are dependable enough to stand up to heavy daily use.

Ceramaseal® - Hermetically Sealed Components
- Ceramic-Metal / Glass-Ceramic / Hermetic / Ultra-Vacuum Seals
- Ceramic-to-Metal Feedthroughs
- Cryogenic / Hermetic / Vacuum / Water Isolators
- Hermetic Coaxial Connectors
- Hermetic Terminals
- Hermetic Windows
- Metal-to-Ceramic Multipin Connectors
- NPT / Pressure Feedthroughs
- Thermocouple Feedthroughs
- Vacuum Accessory Components
- Viewports