On the Cutting Edge of Laser Applications
Sealed CO2 lasers, nuclear accelerators and other high-energy applications require components that have an exceptionally high tolerance. CeramTec North America meets this challenge with an extensive array of advanced ceramic and hermetic products that provide superior insulation, conductivity, strength and wear resistance.
For national labs and research organizations involved with high energy physics, CeramTec North America offers feedthroughs that provide high power directly into the accelerators or process chambers. In this highly specialized field, custom designs for applications that require very high tolerance and detailed documentation are possible too.
CeramTec North America supplies power feedthroughs used to provide power to high-power laser systems. These feedthroughs typically have very complex designs with large ceramics, precision positioning of the metal components and robust plating requirements. Also produced are precisely ground ceramics for waveguides and spacers (i.e., insulators, supports and standoffs) that hold strict requirements for variance, contaminants and particulates.

Ceramaseal® - Hermetically Sealed Components
- Ceramic-Metal / Glass-Ceramic / Hermetic / Ultra-Vacuum Seals
- Ceramic-to-Metal Feedthroughs
- Cryogenic / Hermetic / Vacuum / Water Isolators
- Hermetic Coaxial Connectors
- Hermetic Terminals
- Hermetic Windows
- Metal-to-Ceramic Multipin Connectors
- NPT / Pressure Feedthroughs
- Thermocouple Feedthroughs
- Vacuum Accessory Components
- Viewports