Making the Components for a Sustainable Tomorrow
Few fields are evolving as rapidly as the energy industry. CeramTec North America is dedicated to continually meeting the ceramic and hermetic needs of this field by providing exceptional service and unsurpassed reliability.
For the oil and gas market, CeramTec North America manufactures high-pressure feedthroughs for downhole exploration of oil, as well as piezoceramics for sensors and imaging equipment for oil and gas applications.
Traditional nuclear fission as well as cutting-edge technologies such as nuclear fusion rely on technical ceramic and hermetic solutions from CeramTec North America to meet their challenging requirements. Particle accelerator and similar labs rely on CeramTec North America components due to the high level of performance and reliability.
CeramTec North America supplies power feedthroughs to the solar cell manufacturing market for use in coating and deposition equipment. These components require a high degree of reliability and must provide the electrical performance necessary to keep manufacturing processes going.
As the world continues to seek sustainable, affordable, and environmentally friendly power generation solution, CeramTec North America will remain a leading contributor in this field through its technical design expertise/support and ultra-reliable ceramic and hermetic products.

Ceramaseal® - Hermetically Sealed Components
- Ceramic-Metal / Glass-Ceramic / Hermetic / Ultra-Vacuum Seals
- Ceramic-to-Metal Feedthroughs
- Cryogenic / Hermetic / Vacuum / Water Isolators
- Hermetic Coaxial Connectors
- Hermetic Terminals
- Hermetic Windows
- Metal-to-Ceramic Multipin Connectors
- NPT / Pressure Feedthroughs
- Thermocouple Feedthroughs
- Vacuum Accessory Components
- Viewports