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Advanced Ceramics Processing Capabilities Exactly To Your Specifications

The Right Fit – CeramTec North America’s Services

CeramTec North America offers various equipment and powder processing capabilities to manufacturers on a contract basis. In addition to basic processes, CeramTec North America can customize them specific to your requirements.

CeramTec is your turnkey resource for advanced ceramic and hermetic products. Whether providing standardized parts, building to your specification, or working as an extension of your design team, we provide a responsive, service-oriented culture that is committed to making sure that you have components that meet your budget, your schedule and your specifications.

    Dry Powder Processing

    • 1000 lbs Dry mill
    • 30-ft3 V-blenders
    • 48-in Sweco screens for sizing powders


    Wet Powder Processing

    • Large wet ball mills, maximum capacity 2268 kg (5000 lbs) for Alumina, 3000 lbs for Steatite
    • Q-50 circulation attritor with ceramic lining and grinding media
    • Large holding and mixing tanks with or without steam coils for heating slurries
    • Ferroelectric magnets for removal of iron impurities


    Spray Drying

    • 24-ft diameter anhydro dryer
    • Rotary atomization capabilities
    • Water evaporation capacity to 910 kg/hr (2000 lbs/hr) – Alumina (1000 lbs/hr)
    • Inlet temperature to 400° F maximum


    Material / Process Requirements

    • All materials processed by CeramTec North America require prior SDS review and approval.